Skin Care Treatment/ Facials for all ages:
It is Designer Beauty’s philosophy that taking care of your skin is equally important to your overall well being as is taking care of the rest of your body. We all know there is no one-pill formula for perfect skin, so every client receives a personalized skin treatment tailored to the particular needs of their skin. Each facial includes a thorough cleansing and extraction to any imperfections hidden deep pore.We may also recommend a deeper cleaning of the skin by utilizing exfoliants:
Either chemical – such as the use of fruit acids, herbal peels – or mechanical – such as microdermabrasion or even complete facial waxing.
Each facial is finished with soothing & revitalizing aromatherapy oils and a custom-formulated mask tailored to your skin. The end result will be a smoother, more luminous & healthy skin from the inside out!
Permanent Make-up/ Camouflage:
Without make-up most of us look washed out but with Permanent Make-up/ Tattoo Procedure by design, we can help you enhance, correct, and restore a better shape and color for your eyebrows, eye lines, lips, and scars. Colors and designs are tailored to complement each clients complexion. Whether it is the lips, eyebrows, eye lines, or for camouflage, we guarantee you will go home looking better and more beautiful than before. Consultations are complimentary.